I find my subject matter in my lived experiences. By making, I reflect on the meaningful moments of my life, and acknowledge their importance by giving them physical body. Through processes such as screen printing, collage, drawing, painting, and photography, I construct a window into the past that is rooted in tactility – the past is remembered through its physical survivals in the present.
My process is driven by the notion of the physical as an index of the past. In my practice, I wrestle with the paradox of capturing and preserving a fleeting moment in a permanent medium. My work features found imagery collaged with my original prints, drawings, and photographs. I reveal my messaging by combining elements from disparate sources. By mixing them into my work, I remove these found photographs from their original context, and by recombining them I suggest new meanings. I use contrast, scale, and overlap, among other techniques, to obscure the boundaries between different visual elements. I create dialogue through my placement that reveals my message.
The meanings that I synthesize are built on the interactions between the images I have assembled. I contemplate the ephemeral nature of a moment remembered, reinterpreting what I saw, heard, and felt. For my imagery, I choose that which reminds me of these transient impressions. By visually transcribing it, I allow the represented moment to leave a more lasting trace. My work is printed memories.
We see the past not as it was, but how we choose to remember it.